
At North American Log Home Restoration, we believe that most log homes should be chinked due to a variety of factors that are very important for the well being of the many different types of log structures that we see today. We only use the best synthetic chink available . Chinking at times can be very time consuming and must be applied very neatly and it is highly advisable to let an experienced chinker to do the work so that esthetically your home looks it’s absolute best. As with most log supply materials, they can be costly due to a limited number of manufacturers’ and must be installed correctly.

The most common chinked wood structure, the hand hewn log home, is the most heavily chinked. Originally they were chinked with mortar, but today synthetic chinking is most desirable for these structures due to it’s’ elasticity. When the logs expand and contract throughout the season the synthetic chinking will accommodate the movement without cracking. Also, whenever chinking is applied a backer material / bond breaker must first be installed to allow for a two point adhesion. We have come across many hewn log homes where an inexperienced contractor has applied the chinking directly over the old existing mortar. This process can be done as long as the old mortar joints are not in severe decay but many contractors skip a critical step in this process. The backer material/bond breaker must be installed before applying the chink. If this step is not completed correctly then the work will have to be reapplied costing home owners thousands of dollars.

The Scandavian log house or any other round log structure should also be chinked to eliminate bug infiltration and to seal all those unwanted drafts. Heating costs can also be lowered if this process is used.